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Choreography & Scenario: Antonis Mpertos, Betty Angelopoulou

Text: Betty Angelopoulou

Camera-Montage-Editing: Thanos Tsantas

Performers: Vassilis Kritikos, Mariliza Chronea, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Antonis Mpertos

Production: Co production of The Face of Men Dancetheatre Co, Funhaus Productions & Ilissos Theater

Film projections :


11/2011  :  1st International Athens Videodance Festival


05/2012 :  2nd Digital Cinema Festival

                  at Michalis Kakoyiannis Foundation


Based on the book of the Swiss psychanalyst Alice Miller “The prisons of our

childhood”, “Innocent Parents videodance" explores the invisible and the painful

prison of our childhood, that is present also in our adulthood.


It is common that the child is so afraid to lose the “love” of his parents, that makes a

great effort to fulfill their expectations, hiding his own feelings. The repression of the

pain of the early childhood leads the person to a threatening sense of futility during

adulthood that defines his behavior in the present.

We maybe cannot be able to erase the traumas of our childhood. However, we can

regain our lost unity, if we endure to put aside the illusion that the parents shouldn’t

be judged. Then we can bring to light the difficult part of our relationship with them

and hug with love the unprotected child we were in the early years of our life.


In this videodance, physical theatre, contemporary dance and butoh dance help the

viewer become aware of the childhood’s repression. This ends with a simple but a

liberating symbolic “gift” that the adult man gives to the child that he was, always in

the background of parents’ “innocent” deeds and omissions.

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