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Choreography & performance: Antonis Mpertos

Direction: Antonis Koutroumpis

Costumes: Olga Geroyiannaki

Sound & video design: Thanos Bikos (Ιllusionary Productions)

Text: Betty Angelopoulou

April 2015: Fournos Theater- 8th "Bodies & objects in motion" Festival


May 2015: International Theater Festival of Kilkis (Northern Greece)


January 2016: 6th International Athens Videodance Festival (Promenade)


A descending percentage of decency up to 2,1%

Ηistory is swirling and you are really lucky to be in the front seat when life happens,

but the luck to be inside history is even bigger.

There's only one moment, an authentic moment in life that strikes you only once

and if you are present, there, you will feel it  deeply.

The exercise is as follows: You accept your being in the present.

Then you accept that this blow, this strike, is for you, now. "


Decent 2,1% - Athens Videodance Festival 2016 Promenade Edition

January 2016: 6th International Athens Videodance Festival (Promenade)


A special edition of the "Decent 2,1%" performance was formed (had been made), for the special artistic occasion of the “promenade”, with the participation of 6 performers : Nikos Karapanagos, Artemis Manakou, Miranda Vatikioti, Chrysa Posnakidou, Augoustina Scholidou.

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